Time to write!

Hi all. I'm Jordan Alex Green and under other names, I've written ad copy, romantic novels (with and without volcanic heat), and even papers explaining to investors why a ten percent drop in value is a good thing. 

So here I am, newly unemployed due to our not-so-friendly virus, starting a new career, writing science fiction, fantasy, and superhero stories. I've already got the first one out! 

The blog is a bit bare right now, but I'll be filling it fairly soon--well, soon and family permitting. (Work from home, they said, it'll be relaxing, they said...)

Joking aside, I hope everyone is staying safe, and keeping healthy!

It's Vampires Vs. Killbots in: Blood and Circuits: Awakening

  Click here to Buy or Read From Amazon If you can ’t find a Van Helsing when you need one, how about building yourself a Van Helsing? Aleph...