I'm starting to put up some of my fanfic on Royal Road.

 Trollhunters vs. Avengers is the first one, but I'm mainly doing it because the interface is a lot less clunky than that on FF.net. I'll continue updating the stories I have on FF.net, but I'm probably going to centralize more things on RR, along with Archive of our own.

A Sorceress on Earth is up on Royal Road!

 Here is the link to Royal Road

Dara was an apprentice sorceress,  her first real job guarding the archives of her college. It was then that someone broke in and stole a dangerous gem before he opened a gateway into another world!

Now Dara is on a world without magic but with incredible machines, billions of people, and… social media. Oh, and she’s also going to have to find out why her nemesis came here and what he intends to do.

But first, she’s going to have to figure out how to survive in this strange world. Survive and hopefully get back home.

But is Southern California ready for Earth's first sorceress? More importantly, is Earth's first sorceress ready for Southern California?

 A new series, to be updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (God willing, and the creek don’t rise).

Early Release Chapters up on My Patreon

 From here.

Wanderer's Quest Book I is probably going to be published in the next few months. So  you get to take a look at the pre-published chapters. Note that they still have a final editing sweep to go, so there may be some changes in them between this and final publication...

It's Vampires Vs. Killbots in: Blood and Circuits: Awakening

  Click here to Buy or Read From Amazon If you can ’t find a Van Helsing when you need one, how about building yourself a Van Helsing? Aleph...